While church services are focused on teaching and training, small groups provide a setting to allow for more questions, direct discipleship, and life-giving fellowship with other believers. Join a group today!

Thursday Evenings 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Crescent City, CA
Led by Dave Slagle
Crescent City, CA
Led by Dave Slagle

Tuesday Evenings 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Driftwood Estates Clubhouse - 16063 Driftwood Lane, Brookings
Led by Gene Gurney
Driftwood Estates Clubhouse - 16063 Driftwood Lane, Brookings
Led by Gene Gurney

Wednesday Evenings 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Crescent City, CA
Led by Andy Simonson | Hosted by Van Fossens
Crescent City, CA
Led by Andy Simonson | Hosted by Van Fossens

Thursday Evenings 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Brookings/Harbor, OR
Led by Pastor Rob Foster
Brookings/Harbor, OR
Led by Pastor Rob Foster
Learn More about Women's Small Groups
Learn More about the Men's Small Groups
Learn More about the Youth & Student Small Groups
Small Groups
For where two or three are gathered in my Name, there am I among them.
[Matthew 18:20]
[Matthew 18:20]
We believe that God created us to be in relationship both with Him and with other believers. We also believe that the gospel enables Christians to develop the type of transparent relationships that God intended. We recognize that it is difficult to develop these types of relationships on a Sunday morning, which is why we have created small groups—which we call Life Groups—that meet throughout the week.