Preserved by God
ABOUT THIS SERIES: The Bible contains numerous blessings from God and praises to God. These summary statements of blessing and praise are full of rich theological truths for your edification and nourishment. In Blessing and Praise, Dr. H.B. Charles Jr. draws out these truths in short expositions of some of the most instructive benedictions and doxologies in Scripture. Surveying the content of each pronouncement of blessing and praise, he explains how they ought to affect our worship and daily walk with God.
IN THIS MESSAGE: God calls His people to stand firm in the faith. But what are we to do when we recognize that we are unable to stand on our own? We must learn how to trust and praise God for preserving us by His grace. In this lesson, Dr. Charles draws our attention to Jude’s closing doxology, explaining what it means that God is able to preserve us on earth and to present us to Himself in glory.