We have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the world. 

[1 John 4:14]

We are glad you are here! Whether you are new to the area, needing a restart in your relationship with Christ, or exploring Christianity for the first time, our congregation is passionate about the love of Jesus and displaying His love in a welcoming environment.

Join Us Sunday Mornings!

We invite you to come for a visit - check us out, it's how God directs you to a church family. We meet each Sunday morning for Bible teaching, worship and fellowship. We also have several groups that  meet midweek. Check out the Small Groups page to learn more.


9:00 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:25


Weekly Announcements

Please Continue to Pray For Those Who are in Service 

Please keep these young men in your prayers as they are away serving our country.

Men Join Us Saturday, March 22nd for our Monthly Breakfast

Men are invited to join us for a monthly breakfast on the 4th Saturday of each month. Enjoy great food, enriching fellowship, and the Word of God.

Ladies - Join us for our Prayer Mug Exchange

Ladies join us on Saturday, March 15th from 11:30-1:30 in the Wherehouse for our Prayer Mug Exchange. Be blessed by fellowship, a good Word, and a delicious food. Bring a mug to exchange. Register here.

Join us for this Intriguing Series Weekly for Sunday School

Bible scholar J. Gresham Machen fought for truth as he battled the rise of liberalism in the church in the early 20th century. His example of an unwavering commitment to the Bible and its message can give us courage as we face our own “Present Emergency.

Monthly Church Newsletter

If you aren't receiving the Monthly Church Newsletter, sign up now by calling the church office or by completing the "Contact Us" form found at the bottom of this page.  

Women's Bible Study

The Women's Bible Study meets each Wednesday from 11:00-12:30 in the Wherehouse. All women are invited to attend. Contact Esther for study materials.

Monthly Prayer Meeting for CEF & Good News Clubs

Flower Ministry

Contact Lyn Slagle if you'd like to serve in this ministry!  

Get Connected and Join a Life Group!

Sign-up for a Life Group now!

Stay Connected Anywhere, Anytime.

Download The Church App and view/listen to sermons, download sermon notes, view, share and register for upcoming events, give safely online, and more! 

Special Midweek Meeting with David Trubek

Plan to join us for a special visit from our missionary partner David Trubek with Chosen People Ministries. David will share an update on his ministry in Japan and Israel. In lieu of meeting for Life Groups this week, we're asking you to join us for this special mid-week meeting on Wednesday, April 2nd at the church 

Children's Church Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for our Children's Church on Sunday mornings. Contact Andy Simonson or the church office for more information.

Ways to Give

Thank you for supporting and partnership with us in the ministry of the Gospel, which compels us to give, not just as a duty but more importantly as a reflection of the grace poured upon us.

View, Listen or Download the Most Recent Service

View, Listen or Download the Most Recent Sunday School Message

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Meet Pastor Rob and Kathy Foster

Rob and Kathy have been married for 43 wonderful years and have 3 adult children and 7 beautiful grandchildren. In their spare time, when not spending time with family, they love to be outdoors hiking, beach combing, and enjoying all of God's beautiful creation.
Read Pastor Rob's bio here.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Give us a call or fill out the form below to get started.

Visiting Pelican Bay Church? 

We’d love to meet you!